Nepal Life

नेपाल क्लियरिङ हाउसका सिइओ प्रधानको वार्षिक तलब सुविधा ८६ लाख, मुनाफाबाट बोनस छुट्टै

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  • BFIS News
  • 2023 Dec Tue 14:45
नेपाल क्लियरिङ हाउसका सिइओ प्रधानको वार्षिक तलब सुविधा ८६ लाख, मुनाफाबाट बोनस छुट्टै
Sanima Reliance

काठमाडौं । नेपाल क्लियरिङ हाउस ‘एनसिएसएल’का प्रमुख कार्यकारी अधिकृत निलेशमान सिंह प्रधानले गत आर्थिक वर्षमा तलब भत्ता लगायतको सुविधा बापत ८६ लाख ९१ हजार रुपैयाँ बुझेका छन् । उनले यस बाहेक नियम अनुसार मुनाफाबाट थप बोनस रकम समेत प्राप्त गर्ने छन् ।


प्रधानले गत आर्थिक वर्षमा तलब बापत ७१ लाख ४० हजार रुपैयाँ प्राप्त गरेका छन् भने अलाउन्सेन्स बापत १२ लाख २० हजार, इन्धन खर्च ३ लाख १६ हजार र टेलिफोन खर्चका लागि १६ हजार ५०७ रुपैया प्राप्त गरेका हुन् ।

नेपाल राष्ट्र बैंक तथा अन्य बैंक वित्तीय संस्थाको लगानी रहेको एनसिएचएलले डिजिटल भुक्तानीको अत्याधुनिक सेवा प्रवाह गर्दै आइरहेको छ ।  बैंकमा घण्टौ लाइन बसेर चेक साट्नेदेखि लिएर भौतिक उपस्थितिमा हुने कारोबारलाई यसले लगभग मेटाइसकेको छ ।

गत आर्थिक वर्षमा ३७ करोड ७० लाख रुपैयाँ मुनाफा आर्जन गरेको कम्पनीको जगेडा कोषमा एक अर्ब २ करोड रुपैयाँ रहेको छ । कम्पनीको सञ्चालन आम्दानी ६८ करोड १० लाख रुपैयाँ रहेको छ भने अप्रत्यक्ष आम्दानी १४ करोड ८० लाख रुपैयाँ रहेको लेखापरीक्षण प्रतिवेदनमा उल्लेख छ । प्रतिशेयर नेटवर्थ २३१ रुपैयाँ रहेको कम्पनीको प्रतिशेयर आम्दानी भने ४८ रुपैयाँ छ ।

सिइओ प्रधानको भनाइ.....

We believe that the resilient digital payments infrastructure supported by innovative products and services is the lifeblood for sustainability, progress and growth of NCHL. While we have focused on building multiple national payment systems for Nepal in line with National Payment System Development Strategy of Nepal Rastra Bank, NCHL has remained at the forefront for introducing innovative products and services. Some of the strategic products and instruments of NCHL has remained testimony of such innovations. Nepal’s payments market is expected to consolidate that will scale-up the infrastructure and business opportunities. This seems to be supported by the policy direction of NRB as well.

NCHL expects to play its role in the consolidation process to remain itself as one of the key players and to support rollout of National Payment Switch. The phase I of NPS related to Retail Payment Switch (RPS) has already been implemented and has been accepted by majority of the stakeholders. And the phase II of the NPS project related to National Card Switch (NCS) & domestic card scheme (NEPALPAY Card) is under implementation.

While we focus on the implementation of NPS, we remain committed to our principle of re-investment into digital payments infrastructures and to collaborate with the major stakeholders to play a key role in digital transformation in Nepal. The fiscal year 2079/80 (2022/23) has been an interesting yet challenging year for NCHL. We have seen growth in the real-time retail payment system (RPS/ connectIPS) and NCHL-IPS, while majority of the transactions have been processed through National Payments Interface (NPI). NPI is an open API based payment channel that provides the members to access multiple payment systems, services and ensures interoperability.

NCHL has kept product and service development as one of the highest priority activity. Necessary research, innovation and rollout of various instruments and services have been continued during the fiscal year. In this regards, we have increased our product development team and working together with the BFIs and other stakeholders in establishing innovative use cases.

Along with the stakeholders that are using NCHL’s infrastructures including Government and SemiGovernment, large institutions have also been using our systems as indirect or technical members. GoN’sdigital transaction has reach 87.9 percent of its expenses and 24.4 percent of its revenue collection in terms of value of transactions during the FY 2079/80, almost all have been processed through NCHL’s infrastructures.

While retail B2C and C2C segment will continue to grow in terms of volume of digital transaction, B2B segment supported by large institutions is expected to further grow, which will be serviced by some of our key products including NPI and CORPORATEPAY. The average daily cheques transaction volume in NCHL-ECC has decreased to 53,257 as against 61,507 in the previous year.

The daily transaction settlement value in NCHL-ECC has decreased to NPR 27.38 Billion from NPR 38.74 Billion in the previous year. The daily average transaction volume and average daily settlement value in NCHL-IPS was 56,381 and NPR 7.6 Billion as against 56,834 and NPR 8.6 Billion in the previous year. And the daily average transaction volume and settlement value in RPS (connectIPS) was 176,849 and NPR 14.4 Billion as against 144,533 and NPR 11.3 Billion in the previous year. The digital transactions in RPS and NCHL-IPS is expected to grow further.

Although we have given importance to the implementation and operation of such critical payment infrastructures, the business and financial sustainability has also been given due important by maintaining nominal profit growth. The operating profit of the company remained at NPR 610,659,441 as against NPR 563,019,173 in the previous year. The net profit for the year stood at NPR 376,795,633 as against NPR 354,623,522 in the previous year, with return on capital employed standing at 28 percent. The shareholders fund has increased to NPR 1,810,057,852 with book value per share at NPR 231.

Although there is extreme pressure on pricing of our products and services, we are optimistic to maintain the financials position of the company in the next fiscal year. The adoption and acceptance of digital payments in Nepal has been increasing in multi-folds, part of which is due to NRB’s policy direction to use both BFIs and non-bank entities to drive and achieve digital payments related objectives.

While Nepal seems to have established majority of the key payment infrastructures including that of micro, low and high value payments, the need to implement full interoperability between the systems and instruments is being realized. Interconnection of Nepal’s payment infrastructure with international networks and clearing houses for cross border transaction is expected to place Nepal in a much better position for cross border payments. Similarly, the market requirements of the existing banks transiting towards digital or neo banking may provide additional opportunity for establishing additional digital banking infrastructures and part thereof, which NCHL is in a strategic position to provide such platforms and will be explored through existing and alternate mechanism.

We will remain focused on improving resilience and security of our core infrastructure. With a clear focus of innovating new instruments and use cases, we continued to invest in technologies and infrastructures that will provide digital platforms for individuals, institutions and government. In view of the trend in acceptance of digital transactions by these entities, ongoing NPS implementation, role in market consolidation and possible engagement in building digital banking infrastructure, the future looks bright for NCHL and its products/ services. As part of our strategy to support Nepal Rastra Bank’s policy to improve digital banking ecosystem, we will continue to play necessary role in the industry by working together with the BFIs, PSPs/ PSOs and other key entities in a collaborative model.

Lastly, I would like to thank our NCHL team for their commendable work in building and servicing payment infrastructure. I sincerely acknowledge the direction and guidance provided by the Chairman, Board of Directors and shareholders. I would also like to extend my gratitude to our valued member BFIs and other institutions on their continued support towards NCHL. I would also like to thank and acknowledge Nepal Rastra Bank for their trust on NCHL and for considering as a trustworthy implementation partner in building digital payments infrastructure.

(Neelesh Man Singh Pradhan Chief Executive Officer)

शेयर गर्नुहोस

National Life

प्रतिक्रिया दिनुहोस्
